Strategic Partners

Local & Regional

Breathe California Sacramento Region

Breathe California Sacramento Region is the local chapter of the national organization devoted to clean air and healthy lungs. Breathe California was an early funder and supporter of SABA, and today serves as landlord and neighbor (SABA’s office is located upstairs from Breathe California’s office in downtown Sacramento). We serve on Breathe California’s Clean Air Policy Committee.

Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District

The Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District is a public agency dedicated to achieving clean air goals by leading the region in protecting public health and the environment through innovative and effective programs, dedicated staff, community involvement, and public education. We partner with the air district to review development proposals to ensure consistency with bikeability and walkability goals. The air district is a major sponsor of our  Bike Valet program.


WALKSacramento works with transportation and land use planners, elected officials and community groups to create safe, walkable environments for all citizens and particularly for children, seniors, the disabled and low-income individuals. We share an office suite with WALKSacramento and partner with them on Safe Routes to School initiatives and other projects to make our regional more bikeable and walkable.

State & National

California Bicycle Coalition

CalBike advocates on behalf of all bike-riders and bike advocacy organizations at the State Capitol and with state agencies such as Caltrans and California Department of Motor Vehicles.

League of American Bicyclists

The League of American Bicyclists represents the interests of individual bike-riders and affiliated organizations at the national level. We’re a League member.


Launched in 1999 as Bikes Belong, PeopleForBikes includes both an industry coalition of bicycling suppliers and retailers, as well as a charitable foundation. PeopleForBikes has played a leading role in promoting as well as funding protected bike lanes.