Tour de Brews

July 10, 2013 @ 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm America/Los Angeles Timezone

We had such a good time with Tour de Brews rides during May is Bike Month, we’re ready for more.

Join us for a friendly ride to the Track 7 and New Helvetia breweries in Sacramento. Our ride leader will be noted public health researcher and craft beer aficionado Peter Jacobsen.

Meet us in Capitol Park, at 13th and N streets. We’ll ride east down N Street, then south on 24th Street through the Curtis Park neighborhood to Track 7 at 3747 W Pacific Ave. From there we’ll head back up through Curtis Park, then west on 2nd Avenue, and up 18th Street to New Helvetia at the corner of 18th and Broadway.

All are welcome. The pace will be casual (no more than 15 MPH) and the round-trip mileage (4 miles or so) will be quite comfortable. As we’ll be riding on and crossing busy streets, we’ll have ride leaders and sweepers to keep everyone together and safe. Please take the appropriate precautions to help you feel safe riding in traffic.

Plan on about 20 minutes’ riding between breweries and 30-45 minutes at each place. Both breweries will be hosting food trucks, so bring your appetite.

The brewery tasting is no-host. Be prepared to show ID when you order.

Registration for this ride is free, however, please sign up using the Get Tickets link above so we know how many people to expect.

Your donation to SABA will benefit our operations, campaigns and projects.

To learn more about the tour, contact Peter Jacobsen at