Sacramento, CA 95811
It’s May is Bike (Dog) Month! Let’s ride over for a pint at West Sac’s bike-friendliest craft brewery.
WHERE: We’ll meet at 13th and R streets, one block west of Shady Lady, at 5:15 and depart right at 5:30.
ABOUT THE ROUTE: The 4.3 mile route takes us down R Street, north on the River Promenade, across the Tower Bridge and south the Riverwalk along the Sacramento River near Raley Field. We’ll cross under Business 80 and across Jefferson Blvd at 15th Street, then head south on Park Blvd. through Old West Sacramento. The last few minutes takes us west along Stone Blvd. to Industrial and Bike Dog.
The route is mostly on city streets at rush hour, with some riding in traffic — please be sure you and your bike can handle this kind of riding. The pace will be casual and we’ll stick together and make sure no one’s left behind. By all means use safety gear like a helmet and gloves if that helps you feel more comfortable. Travel time one-way will be about 30-40 minutes.
PRICE: The ride is free and you’re on your own for beer. There’s no food sold at Bike Dog, but if there’s interest, we might stop for a bite on the way back to Sacramento.
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