Take our community survey

What are the isHazel Bike Bridge over Hwy 50 bsues that matter most to you about bicycling in the Sacramento region?

Safe and convenient bike routes? Traveling with your bike on light rail or buses? Recreational opportunities?

We want to hear from you!

Freeport bike lanePlease take a few moments right now to complete this short online survey — it’s anonymous and confidential. The survey closes at 5 PM on Friday, March 27.

As part of our project to develop a strategic plan to guide SABA for the next 5 years, we’re asking the community to tell us about needs and opportunities, including the parts of the region we should be serving.

Your views will help us better understand what the community thinks and values, and that will help us decide how to most effectively invest our energy and resources.


Jeffery on Yuba Mundo