Electric Cars Don’t Solve the Problem of Carbon Emissions

We know that’s a bold statement to make, but it’s gonna take more than EV’s to turn the climate crisis around. We’re not saying don’t purchase an EV if you have the means to do it, but there are other things that […]

Recommendations to make Sacramento a safer city for bikes

The City of Sacramento has an Active Transportation Commission (ATC), comprised by a group of appointees from each council district, plus the Mayor, and appointees from the Personnel and Public Employees committee. While the City continues to proactively pursue efforts […]

Sacramento Is Spinning Its Wheels in the Wrong Direction

With wildfires, tornadoes, drought, floods, hurricanes, and typhoons decimating communities across the globe, there is no denying we are in a climate crisis. So what are our elected officials doing about it? In many ways, California stepped up to be […]


As many are aware, the COP26 just wrapped up convening in Glasgow, Scotland. But you might not know that SABA, along with 350 organizations from around the world signed an open letter calling on governments to boost global cycling levels. […]

May is Bike Month 2021

Everyday is a good day to choose riding a bike, but May is special because people want to get outside and enjoy our wonderful city in warmer weather. It’s a time when everyone in the region celebrates bicycling, which is […]

In Solidarity

To our Community, We know that Sacramento is not immune to unsafe streets. We can and should do better. Streets should be safe for all people, period. Yet what constitutes a “safe street” is different for many people. Streets are not […]

Farm to Fork Al Fresco

The Sacramento Bee recently published an article[1] about opening up sidewalks and streets for dining. Mayor Darrell Steinberg dubbed it, “Farm to Fork Al Fresco,” a catchy name capturing the essence of the food scene here in Sacramento. The idea […]