Two Rivers Trail

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Beginning with a feasibility study in 2010, the City of Sacramento is installing the Two Rivers Trail along the south side of the American River. As a first phase, segments of paved path have been installed between Tiscornia Park opposite Discovery Park to the Hwy. 160 bridge and for 0.7-mile east of Sutter’s Landing Park.

The City of Sacramento is currently designing the next phase, a 2.4-mile stretch from the Union Pacific RR bridge to H Street tentatively set to open in 2019. The City has received a $3.3 million grant from Senate Bill 1 gas tax revenues to design and build the trail.

The project would pave the existing dirt maintenance road at the base of the levee that’s been open to the public for more than 50 years. The paved trail will be used for walking and biking as well as for levee maintenance vehicles, and will include decomposed granite shoulders for walking and running.

Benefits for River Park residents

Provides access for all, especially those with mobility impairments. There currently is no ADA-accessible path into the Parkway from River Park. Some mobility-impaired River Park residents have never seen the river in their own backyards!

Improves safety by creating the conditions that encourage legitimate, legal activity and deter illegitimate, illegal activities.

Protects the privacy of residents by giving walkers and bicyclists an established path below the crown of the levee. Initially the path was envisioned for the top of the levee, but it was later moved due to restrictions by the regional flood control agency, which uses the top of the levee for maintenance vehicles.

Safeguards bicyclists by creating a direct, continuous, completely car-free bike route to the Midtown Grid. This path will completely bypass congested East Sacramento streets, including the undercrossings and freeway ramps at the Capital City Freeway.

Benefits for the region

Aligns with the vision of River Park resident Frank Cirill, longtime defender of the American River Parkway, for a fully accessible American River.

Legalizes bicycling in this part of the American River Parkway. Except in the Woodlake and Cal Expo areas of the Parkway, bikes may only be ridden on paved paths. Riding off-pavement is illegal and bicyclists riding there are subject to a citation by County Parks rangers.

Encourages biking and eases congestion by creating a continuous, off-street bike route between the Sac State campus and the Midtown Grid.

How you can support this project

Learn the facts.

Visit the trail site.

Talk to your neighbors about the facts and the benefits.

Let your elected leaders know you support the project.